
Chimney Cleaning & Sweeping near Coverdale NB (13 Result(s))

Our chimney sweep service is the most comprehensive in the industry. Included with this service is a top-to-bottom peace of mind inspection. Please call us or visit our website today.
Your chimney and fireplace adds a lot to your home. It adds value to your home, is aesthetically pleasing and serves as an extra heat source. That’s why it’s important to take good care of your chimney and fireplace. Luckily, with help from Master Chimney Sweep in Moncton, we can make it easy for you! We provide services such as chimney sweeping and inspection, repairs and much more! While it’s a good idea to sweep your chimney regularly, it’s also important to have it inspected. In fact, The Canadian Fire Code states that chimneys and other solid fuel burning systems must be inspected at least once a year. We are locally owned and operated by Patrick O. Cormier, who has been in the industry since 1981 and is fully WETT certified. To learn more about the services we offer, contact Master Chimney Sweep today.
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