Lighthouse Mission is primarily a soup and sandwich kitchen, serving the immediate needs of Winnipeg's less fortunate. As a registered Canadian charity and Christian humanitarian agency, we partner with organizations, churches, businesses and individuals to provide emergency relief in the form of food, clothing, prayer, spiritual guidance, and friendship to the homeless, and otherwise less fortunate, inner-city community of Winnipeg, in such a manner that conveys the value of those in need.Lighthouse Mission is unique in that, everyone is welcomed through our doors. Whether or not our friends are high, drunk or have previously been violent with us, they are welcome at Lighthouse and to our services. We believe God's heart is most reflected in our unmeasured forgiveness, love and grace toward the broken, hurting, and desperate people who come to us for help.
Welcome to HHRMHospitality House Refugee Ministry is a non-profit organization, and has for many years been Winnipeg's leading sponsor of refugees.Thousands have been sponsored from appalling refugee circumstances, into new hope and productive lives in Canada.They continue to flood into our city, and while caring families look after many, others must look to the support of Hospitality House to survive their first year here.Several parishes and individual donors have generously supported the work over the years, but the needs continue to be great, because the refugees keep arriving.This is Hospitality House, the refugee reception centre provided by St. John's Cathedral of the Anglican Diocese of Rupert's Land, in Winnipeg. This is Micah House, home of the office of Hospitality House Refugee Ministry at 1039 Main Street in Winnipeg. Micah House is the Catholic Centre for Social Justice. Our office is provided by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Winnipeg and is just inside the big window on the second storey, beneath the cross on the roof.Please pray for the residents, staff and volunteers, board members, supporters, and thousands of refugee-clients of Hospitality House
Since 1994, LITE has supported jobs in Winnipeg's inner city. As a Public Foundation, we raise money from generous Winnipeggers and spend it in ways that promote jobs and long-term development in the community.Why? Take a walk through many of our inner city neighbourhoods and you'll see a mix of situations. Bright and tidy efforts at community renewal and sturdy, long-time businesses exist side by side with some pretty big problems. You'll see empty buildings, vandalism, homelessness and racism to name a few. Tragically, there is a legacy of social decline in the inner city. It's evident to the casual observer as well as in income and employment statistics, which show growing numbers of people living in poverty and depending on social assistance.
The North End Community Renewal Corporation (NECRC) was founded in 1998 by a coalition of Winnipeg organizations who were concerned about some of the trends in the north end of Winnipeg and who were aware of the good results that community development corporations in other parts of North American were achieving in revitalizing inner city communities. The NECRC was established to serve the community within the geographic area north of the CP tracks, south of Carruthers Ave., east of McPhillips Street and west of the Red River.The mandate of the corporation is to promote the social, economic and cultural renewal of the north end of Winnipeg. It does this by improving the quality and accessibility of housing, creating jobs, upgrading commercial and industrial areas, implementing employment development programs, improving the overall image of the community, and reducing crime in the community. The corporation provides co-ordination activities and a strategic focus for many of the community improvement activities taking place in the north end.NECRC is committed to the social, economic and cultural renewal of the North End of Winnipeg.NECRC defines its development goals through annual consultations and ongoing networking with North End residents and businesses
Churches have 'uniquenesses' that are all their own. We've come to understand what some of these are for us and we call them our 'provocative distinctives' . They are the characteristics, teachings and beliefs that make the Riverwood faith-family what it is. These are the statements that describe something of the ethosand culture of Riverwood.They are 'provocative' in that they will either spark your interest and fire your passion... or they will simply drive you a bit crazy. They will either be the heart-pounding belief you share with us, stoking your own faith... or they will be the very dynamics that help you realize Riverwood isn't the best fit for you. Regardless of what you think of them... they are who we are and who we will continue to become.
Welcome to the online home of CentreVenture Development Corporation. In this introductory section, you can learn our mission , how the agency came to be , our accomplishments , and the strategic directions we are pursuing. You can also find out who sits on our board , who's on staff , and our enthusiastic partners in building a better downtown.