Intermediate Christian Home is a home of assistance established in 2003 for males who are homeless or at risk and challenged with mental health issues. We have a mission! That is, to end and prevent homelessness in a man's life. To end homelessness, we provide each gentleman with a private room for up to 2 years. in our 3000 sq. ft. home.To prevent reoccurring homelessness, we provide opportunities for education, socialization, job development/coaching, life's skills training, connections with community resources and spiritual direction. We are widely supported by community members such as medical professionals, social services, families and local churches. in order to encourage new hope, new beginnings and new opportunities. Hope is rising and men are being transformed to lead productive lives. Everyone can be a part of this. You can make a difference. Would you please consider our charity for donations? Please visit our web site at or call us.
Calendar of EventsWelcome to Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Canada website. To start browsing, use the navigation buttons on the left. If you are looking for the official website of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community then visit For upcoming interfaith symposiums and such events in your area please visit Prayers Prescribed By Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aa) On Friday May 30th, 2014, Hazrat Khali¯fatul-Masi¯h V (May Allah be His Helper! ) instructed the Jama¯'at to continue reciting the prayers prescribed on the occasion of Centenary Khila¯fat Jubilee.Huzoor Anwar(aa) also instructed that a few additional prayers must also be made a part of our daily routine. Through these prayers we beseech Allah the Almighty to keep our fellow Ahmadi¯s brethren around the world safe from harm and ask that He grant Islam-Ahmadiyyat its victory.Click on the link below for Prayers list:
The K-W Multicultural Centre has been serving the community for 40 years. We offer many services, programs and support to new Canadians. We offer assistance with your job search, interpretation and translation services, assistance with your settlement needs, and counselling. Our staff can also help you with filling out government forms, Permanent Residence card applications and meeting other documentation needs.