
Caterers near Red Deer Village Red Deer AB in Red Deer, AB (44 Result(s))

Open early, open late - all week long - Burger Boy is your top destination for fresh, mouth-watering burgers made exactly how you like them. Voted "The Best Burger in Red Deer 2016". Our Red Deer family restaurant features a diverse menu with an amazing selection including breakfast, lunch and dinner options to satisfy even the mightiest hunger. Stop by today and taste for yourself the reason why we've been recognized by multiple Golden Fork awards!
Absolute best burger joint in Red Deer, huge menu and top quality products. Great milkshakes, great value. Read more
Radisson Red Deer is your home away from home to rest relax and unwind. We offer exceptional customer service with clean rooms and quality amenities such as a hot tub, a swimming pool, room service, flat screen TVs and much more. To make a reservation, call today.
James and Janet Dixie have been married since April 2014, and happily cooking together since Feb 2011. James became a Red Seal Chef in June 2012. With their 3 children they lead a busy active life. James and Janet are excited to be in their catering adventure together. James has an overwhelming desire to feed the masses and with Janet beside him hoping to bring a little more beauty to the world they make a great team. James and Janet both look forward to meeting you and getting to know your favorite foods.

Caterers Red Deer Village Red Deer AB

Whether you’re preparing for a wedding dinner, a cocktail, a buffet, or hiring a private chef, the quality of the food and the service offered in Red Deer Village Red Deer AB will influence your guests’ experience.

5 Tips for Finding a Caterer in Red Deer Village Red Deer AB

When to Start Your Search

The date when you need to find your caterer varies depending on the size of your event. We recommended actually booking your Red Deer Village Red Deer AB caterer 5 to 8 months prior to the date of the event, but you should really consider doing it earlier during busier periods, such as the summer time or the holidays.

Know the Type of Service You Want

Do you want a sit-down meal, a cocktail, a buffet, meal trays? An Italian, Chinese, or Moroccan Red Deer Village Red Deer AB caterer? Know what you want, and always make sure your caterer will be able to meet your needs.

Ask for a Tasting

A professional caterer will allow you to taste various dishes before you make your choice. Be sure to always explicitly ask for a tasting in order to judge the quality of their work.

Ask Questions

Organizing a wedding or a large party demands, on top of the quality of the food, great presentation and service. Don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as you can that relate to the organization of your event, including what is included in the performance, the number of waiters, the hours of service, etc.

Look for References

Good caterers in Red Deer Village Red Deer AB will have plenty of experience, and have most probably hosted a great deal of events around your area. So, chances are that your friends or family have attended an event catered by any given company, and can give you helpful critiques about their experience. Ask them who the caterer was, and if they have good memories of them. Several websites also provide customer ratings and reviews that can help you make your choice.

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