Outdoor Gear Canada was founded on two simple ideas. First, offer premium cycling products on the market. And second, share our passion for 'all things bike' - the fitness, convenience, competition and fun, not to mention the environmental benefits. Do these things really well, and people will respond. They have responded.
Lightning Strikes TwiceWith the 2015 Thunderbolt MSLMarathon racing? Sure. Triple up those whoops? Why not! BC Bike Race? Of course! Smash every corner? Be rude not to.Altitude SicknessHighs & Lows at EWS #5: Winter Park, ColoradoAt over 10 000 feet of elevation in Winter Park, Colorado, this Enduro World Series stop promised to be one of the most physically challenging races of the season.
Toby's Cycle Works is a design and fabrication metal shop in Vancouver, British Columbia. For 25 years our ideas and knowledge of good design and fine metal fabrication have created products for architecture and fine artwork as well as disability products. Design and function is what makes us stand out.
Cycle Therapy is a full service bike store offering premium services for the avid cyclist. Here you can get custom fit shoes, custom and professional bike fittings, quality bike repairs and bike rentals. We also lead mountain bike and road bike group rides on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. You can also take classes in basic bicycle mechanics from our fantastic mechanical staff.