Respect for diversity, culture, and individualityCare and compassion towards clients and colleaguesInnovative and progressive members who adapt readily to changeGoals:To ensure that dental therapists are recognized and respected partners in health careTo improve accessibility to oral health careTo provide quality continuing education/health education for SDTA members and the publicUpcoming Events
Welcome to Shaunavon CoopShaunavon Coop is here to serve our members with products and services that help build, feed and fuel individuals and communities. We are a different kind of business; being memberowned means that any profits are returned to our members and stay in the local economy. We live where you live, work where you work and help grow the economy right here. We are your neighbors, and we make sustainable investments in the communities we share.We pride ourselves on our customer service and invite you to visit a location closest to you. When you visit, we strive to make you to feel like 'You're at home here.'
Swift Current Minor Hockey is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 20 members who meet on a monthly basis all year long.Last year, we added a new position to the Board; Legionnaire Representative/Liaison. This year we had 41 teams organized (app