Wellington County Has Access To 130 Million People Within A Day'S Drive And Is Within 30 Minutes Of Guelph, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Hamilton And The Greater Toronto Area (Gta). The Short Distance To The Gta Also Provides Access To Over 5.1 Million Potential Customers And Visitors.
Listings for 2015 Doers and Dreamers GuideJuly 18, 2014Don't miss your chance to take part this year's Doers and Dreamers guide! The travel guide continues to be an integral marketing and promotional piece, reaching hundreds of thousands of potential visitors each year. Look out for the 2015 Doers and Dreamers guide listing update forms in your mailbox over the next two weeks. Once received, [.]
Since Its Inception In 1979, The Downtown Truro Partnership Has Grown To Encompass An Expanded Mandate And Responsibility For An Expanded Physical Area The Urban Regional Core (Urc). Originally Named The Truro Development Corporation Limited, The Dtp Has Represented The Interests Of The Downtown Business Community And Has Evolved Into The Driving Force Behind Many Of The Downtown Development And Promotional Initiatives That Take Place Throughout The Year.
It's an opportunity for girls between the age of 812 and moms, aunts, sisters of all fitness levels to learn to run by promoting physical activity in a fun environment, supporting nutrition and healthy life choices. Meet every WEDNESDAY for 6 weeks.moms, aunts, sisters of all fitness levels to learn to run by promoting physical activity in a fun environment, supporting nutrition and healthy life choices.