Help is here, whenever you need it. At Many Rivers Counselling and Support Services in Yukon, we offer counselling for youths, families, groups, couples and individuals. We also offer family education services. For more information, call us today.
Yukon Trappers Association registered as a society with the YTG in October 1972, 40 years ago in 2012. The Association was instigated by Yukon trappers George Darbyshire, Larry Barrett, Ted Geddes, et al, because trappers were not receiving a fair price for their furs. Historically, individuals travelled to each trapper and purchased dried pelts for less than half the auction value. The answer, it has been proven, was for Yukon trappers to form an Association to provide a fur depot to send the furs to auction. Since then, the Association has sent furs to every auction house in Canada, including North American Fur Auctions as well as Fur Harvesters Auction. The economics of the fur industry has gone through plenty of boom and bust phenomenon, taking the YTA along. In 2009, the Association was rescued from the brink of bankruptcy and today's dedicated Board of Directors volunteer countless hours to keep it going.
Award Winners for the 37th Annual Kilrich/Northerm Yukon Native Hockey Tournament!! 37th Annual Kilrich/Northerm Yukon Native Hockey Tournament PICTURES available or viewing!Proud Sponsors of the 37th Annual Kilrich/Northerm Yukon Na
Writing Targeted Briefing Notes T034 October 15 types and components of briefing not.Born in the UFAElijah Smith and his colleagues had a dream; to see Yukon First Nations achieve self-determinacy. Their united front led to the Umbrella Final Agreement (UFA) and out of that, the Training Policy Committee (TPC) was born.
WelcomePlacer mining in the territory has a rich and valiant history – steeped in the stories of gold seekers from around the globe and their adventures working the ancient stream beds that carve our Yukon hills.The territorys placer mining industry is founded on family-operated businesses – a way of life that continues today for many of our operators.A working placer mine involves everyone from children to grandparents – with some operations spanning three generations and some dating back to the Klondike Gold Rush.Today, Yukon placer miners lead the world in safe and efficient gold recovery, while making significant contributions to our economy.Today, we have replaced the pick and shovel of the very first prospectors and have regulations and legislation to ensure environmental stewardship, reclamation and site restoration.The tenacity that drives us to find placer gold is matched by our passion to find better, more innovative ways to do things.
The Yukon Chamber of Mines represents a dynamic membership and since its creation almost 70 years ago, has worked to serve its valued members and advance the interests of all those involved in the Yukon mining industry.
Hospice Yukon offers compassionate support to you and those you care about.Are you:- Facing a life threatening illness?- Grieving the loss of a loved one?- Supporting others going through these challenges?These are some of the most difficult experiences we meet in life.
Through professionalism, regulation and advocacy, YRNA leads its membership in providing quality nursing services which promote wellness and foster a safe and healthy Yukon. .