Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights ActThe Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act became law last year. First Nations communities have until December 16, 2014 to develop their own law or they automatically opt into the federal version. Glooscap, along with the other CMM communities have opted to develop our own law to protect the First Nation . moreSitemap
HLNAPrior to 1994 a group of community people held meetings in an attempt to identify and address literacy needs in Hants County, Nova Scotia. This group was originally known as the Literacy Committee and was made up of interested individuals, tutors, learners, and representatives from other community groups with a desire to promote literacy.In January 1994, the NS Department of Education introduced the Community Learning Initiative (CLI) with a mandate to enhance the skills of community members and to answer communitylearning needs through local learning networks. The Literacy Committee began meeting monthly and actively solicited participation from additional community organizations and individuals who were prepared to provide organizational and administrative leadership.In March 1994 a daylong organizational meeting was held which resulted in the formation of the West Hants Learning Network Association. It was incorporated as a nonprofit organization with the Registry of Joint Stocks in June 1995.
The Dooly'S Concept Evolved From The Need Of The Adult Population To Find Leisure Activities That Are Fun, Clean, Challenging, Socially Acceptable To Both Sexes, Economical And Available Seven Days A Week. Most Adults Have, At Some Point In Time, Played B