Since the 1950s, the Yorkton Arts Council hosted and organized visual art exhibits in various locations in Yorkton. With the construction of the Godfrey Dean Cultural Centre in 1981 came two galleries and office space on the second floor of the building,
squawksProblem-plagued plane hits ISIS: F-22 goes into combatWashington (CNN) -- The problem-plagued F-22 Raptor took part in its first combat mission Monday night, hitting ISIS targets in Syr. ( more )6The Seven Most Annoying Myths About FlyingFrom airfares to safety to the roles of the captain and copilot, ASK THE PILOT take a look at seven of the most persistent and ir. ( more )5Propeller breaks 13,000 feet in the airTim Cassell crash landed his plane in a remote area of the Sierra Nevada and then he spent 18 hours in the cold before being rescue. ( more )18U.S. Military Releases Video Of F-22 Strike Against ISISThe Pentagon on Tuesday released an image of the Syrian-based ISIS command center targeted by the first F-22 Raptors ever used in a. ( more )0The End of the ATP - Pibots to replace pilotsLooks like robot manufactures have finally found a viable alternative to airline transport pilots. It's name is Pibot. Regional air. ( more )4Baseball Cap A Factor In MidairThe Canadian Transportation Safety Board yesterday released its finding on a 2013 multiple-fatality midair collision between a Cess. ( more