Welcome to the N'Quatqua Band Office Web site. Our goal is to provide you with useful information about our company that we hope makes it easier for you to do business with us.N'Quatqua Band Office has been serving the N'Quatqua/Anderson Lake Band Members
We will maintain our culture and traditions as the original people of the lakes.We recognise all community members as valued individuals with a sense of ownership, respect and self-worth Through education, social and economic development, and stewardship of our land and resources, we will enhance and sustain our environment and balance the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health of our members.
The St'át'imc are the original inhabitants of the territory which extends north to Churn Creek and to South French Bar; northwest to the headwaters of Bridge River; north and east toward Hat Creek Valley; east to the Big Slide; south to the island on Harr
We, the Tsal'alhmec, are the original caretakers of our land. We respect the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors and take pride in our healthy self-sustaining community.Our MissionWe will maintain our culture and traditions as the original people of the lakes.We recognise all community members as valued individuals with a sense of ownership, respect and self-worthThrough education, social and economic development, and stewardship of our land and resources, we will enhance and sustain our environment and balance the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health of our members.As a part of the St'at'imc Nation, our community governance will be accountable and build on traditional models to lead us towards self-sufficiency.
We are the P'egp'íg7lha of the St'át'ímc Nation. The Creator placed us here and that connection to our land can never be broken. The traditional ways, values and laws of our ancestors are held in the St'át'ímc language and are written on the land. Our Eld
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