Located in Sharon, Raymond Mark provides counseling services to couples, families and individuals. We help you and your family to discover the strategies needed to find peace and comfort in life's most difficult situations, such as divorce, death of a family member or unemployment. Providing the tools to manage your life, we assist you with dealing with anxiety, depression, stress, anger and grief. Contact us to book an appointment or ask about our conflict resolution strategies, as well as individual, career and pre-marriage counselling.
A professional clinic in Holland Landing where clients can walk in and completely relax, reduce stress, or relieve pain through Osteopathy, Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Reflexology performed by registered practitioners.
Unique personalised support and wisdom comes from Melinda.She feels my pain and yet stoops down and helps me up each time I go to visit.
SharonRead more
Donna Boyce Effective Living Counselling Services's mission is to be a leading counselling service in Aurora and surrounding communities, designed to promote growth in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual development.
Counselling Services, Individuals, Couples, Families, Improving Mental Health
At the Bradford Counselling Service, we're committed to improving mental health within our community. We offer personalized counselling services for individuals, couples and families. It is our sincere hope that we will help you overcome past trauma and conflict, so that you will be able to live the life you want to. Please call us for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Adrienne Ambrozic is a registered social worker and received her Masters of social work degree from the University of Toronto in 1986. Her employment history has largely been in the area of children's mental health, and high conflict divorce. Adrienne has also been qualified by the courts as an expert in the area of child and family dynamics, and has provided clinical intervention to individuals, and couples in a hospital setting.