At Griffin Technology we take pride in what we do. Coatings are much more than a process; it's also an art form. With this in mind Griffin was founded on the principles of attention to detail, integrity, honesty, and knowledge and through the pursuit of excellence as custom coaters, we have become the trusted go-to supplier to Metal Fabricators.
Corolon was formed to provide customers worldwide with the most comprehensive solutions in coatings and corrosion control technologies available. Corolon embraces the total coating and corrosion control problems with state of the art materials and proven application technology. Your concerns about coatings and corrosion problems can be fully addressed to your complete satisfaction.
Denso North America Inc. is a subsidiary of Winn & Coales International, a leading manufacturer of anti-corrosion coatings that include Protal liquid epoxies, Denso petrolatum tapes, mastics, primers, bitumen tapes, butyl tapes, hot applied tapes, and a full line of marine pile protection systems. Winn & Coales was originally established as a business in London, England, in 1883, and the first petrolatum tape manufactured in the UK was Denso tape, manufactured under license by Winn & Coales (Denso) Limited. Denso tape was developed over 80 years ago for the ''Long Life Protection'' of buried steel pipelines against corrosion. The Denso SeaShield Marine Systems include fiberglass forms, epoxy grouts, underwater epoxies, injectable epoxies, petrolatum tape wrap systems and much more.
Federally Incorporated in 1957, Interprovincial Corrosion Control Company Limited, (ICCC) provides professional engineering services and the supply and manufacture of Corrosion Control/Cathodic Protection Materials to major "end-users" throughout North America. ICCC is a sustaining member of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) with experienced Corrosion Engineers on staff, specializing in the protection of buried or immersed steel structures (i.e., water/natural gas pipelines, fuel storage tanks, petroleum refineries, et al) by the proven technique of Cathodic Protection.
ICCC manufactures a variety of product lines to serve our focused industry. With 60+ years experience in the corrosion control/cathodic protection business, we are highly qualified to offer sound engineering design and high quality products to meet the expectations of our valued customers.
Federally Incorporated in 1957, Interprovincial Corrosion Control Company Limited, (ICCC) provides professional engineering services and the supply and manufacture of Corrosion Control/Cathodic Protection Materials to major "end-users" throughout North America. ICCC is a sustaining member of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) with experienced Corrosion Engineers on staff, specializing in the protection of buried or immersed steel structures (i.e., water/natural gas pipelines, fuel storage tanks, petroleum refineries, et al) by the proven technique of Cathodic Protection.
ICCC manufactures a variety of product lines to serve our focused industry. With 60+ years experience in the corrosion control/cathodic protection business, we are highly qualified to offer sound engineering design and high quality products to meet the expectations of our valued customers.
Federally Incorporated in 1957, Interprovincial Corrosion Control Company Limited, (ICCC) provides professional engineering services and the supply and manufacture of Corrosion Control/Cathodic Protection Materials to major "end-users" throughout North America. ICCC is a sustaining member of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) with experienced Corrosion Engineers on staff, specializing in the protection of buried or immersed steel structures (i.e., water/natural gas pipelines, fuel storage tanks, petroleum refineries, et al) by the proven technique of Cathodic Protection.
ICCC manufactures a variety of product lines to serve our focused industry. With 60+ years experience in the corrosion control/cathodic protection business, we are highly qualified to offer sound engineering design and high quality products to meet the expectations of our valued customers.