Karen Casey is a life-long resident of Colchester North and currently lives in Valley, Colchester County, with her husband, Glen. They have two adult sons and four grandchildren.
Karen has been involved with the educational system throughout her life. A graduate of the Nova Scotia Teachers' College, she has also earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Education from Mount Saint Vincent University, and a Masters in Education from Saint Mary's University.
Karen has a wide range of experience in the school system. She was a school teacher in the town of Truro, an administrator at North River Elementary School, a Regional Supervisor with the Colchester East Hants District School Board, an Assistant Superintendent with the Chignecto-Central Regional School Board, and an Adjunct Professor with the Department of Education, Acadia University and the University of Prince Edward Island.
IHSE was originally founded in 1976 and was known as "Child Development Services". Child Development Services was a joint project of the Nova Scotia Departments of Education and Community Services (formerly Social Services), and was housed at the Nova Scotia Teachers College in Truro. The first program offered by the Institute provided education for day care personnel. By 1980, the enrollment had increased to over four hundred students studying in both full and part-time programs throughout Nova Scotia and the rest of Atlantic Canada. In order to meet the expanding student population, a second building known as the Froebel Centre in Princeport, NS was acquired. Recognized both nationally and internationally programs continued to grow and develop to include Special Education and Public School Program Assistants. In 1992 the College moved from under the auspices of the Nova Scotia Teachers College and the provincial government and became a non-funded, not-for-profit entity.
Tips for Cleaning Up after Dogs that ShedSeptember 2 2014You know the old saying, dogs are a man's best friend! They're lovable, playful, cuddly, and overall a great companion. Unfortunately, one ofFAQ View AllWill I have the same cleaning lady every time?We usually assign one maid per house or, if necessary, a team of two or more maids per house. If your regular maid is ill or on vacation, we will assign a replacement maid who will clean your house as scheduled without further notice.