AGROBASE Generation II® is designed with our clients' needs at the forefront. We understand how important your research is to you and have developed a solid and reliable system to help you succeed in your research while maintaining a competitive advantage and realizing a return on your investment. If you are a plant breeder, for example, this means an increase in the probability of developing and releasing a royalty-paying variety or hybrid. Meeting our clients' latest needs forms the foundation of our continuous software development. Every new version contains improvements based on the requirements of real researchers worldwide.
Receive updates by e-mail: Charts - a pictorial history of markets - can be a powerful decision making tool. Patterns repeat. Prairie Crop Charts is a chart service covering the major grains and special crops grown on the Prairies: canol,a oats, wheat, barley, flax, soybeans, red lentils, green lentils, brown mustard, yellow mustard, oriental mustard, canary, green peas, yellow peas, chickpeas, edible beans and more. The daily ProMarket Wire highlights risk management strategies, tips and cash market comments for grain, special crops, cattle and hogs. The Canadian Grain & Livestock Newswire features Canadian grain market information, statistics, news, pre-opening, mid-day and closing commentary on the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange and weekly analysis of the Chicago Board of Trade. Agro-Climatic Consulting provides early warning intelligence on global weather and its projected impact on crop prospects. Agro-Climatic Consulting has a track record second-to-none. Reports are distributed by e-mail twice monthly.WelcomeDedicated to providing the news, analysis, strategies and prices you need to market your crops
Manitoba's Community Resource Data WarehouseOrganization / Program SearchZCONTACT's information sources are the human service organizations and groups listed in the database. CONTACT does not provide advice nor is responsible for the information provided or the nature and quality of the services provided. Users of the web site are strongly encouraged to contact the organization(s) directly to determine their suitability to meet their needs.Users are also advised to contact the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to confirm if a particular not-for-profit organization is currently registered as a Canadian Charity, Trust or Foundation.Important information from CONTACT Community Information about this online database of community services:CONTACT Community Information is committed to provide a database that is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, we are unable to assume any liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is neither a recommendation nor a comment on its quality