
Indian Restaurants near Saanichton BC (219 Result(s))

In the village of Kot Fatuhi in Northern India, a young boy grew up not knowing his destiny was to establish a restaurant in the far-off land of Canada. Years later we find the boy married and established in Victoria and owner of the Fresh Tandoori Flame Indian Bistro. The Tandoori Flame is a family business owned and operated by Ranjit and Jasbir Bains. Combining traditional Indian spices and a flair for great food, Ranjit, Jasbir and staff seek to please your palate in a pleasant family-friendly setting. They believe that the extensive menu will offer numerous dishes for your enjoyment.
Wel­come to the Thai Cor­ner Restau­rant! We're open for lunch from 11:30 to 2 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Our regular menu is featured from 11:30 a.m. to closing time. Located in beau­ti­ful Sidney-by-the-sea on Van­cou­ver Island, BC, we pre­pare Thai cui­sine, blend­ing ele­ments of cen­tral and north­east­ern (I-San) Thai tra­di­tions. We serve a vari­ety of Thai cur­ries, spicy sal­ads and stir fried del­i­ca­cies. With over two decades of expe­ri­ence cook­ing Thai food in Thai­land, over­seas and right here in Canada, our chef has care­fully devel­oped fresh menu selec­tions for both lunch and din­ner that are sure to suit a vari­ety of tastes.
Get an authentic taste of India at the Namaste indian cuisine . Located on Victoria city, we serve delicious Indian cuisine that will have you coming back for more!
Even though the business is newer and still working out some issues I gave it five stars because the food was great, authentic and reasonably priced. The family that runs it is so sweet and really want to please. Read more
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