Both the rider and the bucking horse are judged in this event. It is a single-handhold, eight-second ride which starts with the cowboy's feet held in a position over the break of the horse's shoulders until the horse's front feet touch the ground first jump out of the chute. The rider earns points maintaining upper body control while moving his feet in a toes-turned-out rhythmic motion in time with the horse's bucking action.
Teacher's Report all teachers have been sent an email with instructions on paying all of their entries on once through PayPal. If you didn't get an email the festival office and your email address will be corrected and you will be sent instructions.We have an excellent choice of Adjudicators for 2015, check out the Festival Page and click on adjudicators . New adjudicators and information will be added as it becomes available.Dance We look forward to using the Cleland Theatre again this year. Thank You to the City of Penticton for the Generous Donation that allows us to use this excellent venue.