HomeIf you don't have a church home, we invite you to join us at Altona Baptist Church.If you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, we encourage you to read the Plan of Salvation, watch the Roman's Road to Salvation, and .Plan of SalvationFor all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23BelieveFor the wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23ConfessFor whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16Roman's Road to Salvation
If You Were To Visit The Altona Mennonite Church You Would Not Meet Any Perfect People. Nor Would You Meet A People Bound Together By Their Uniformity In Worship Style, Theology, Politics, Age, And Countless Other Issues. You Would Not Find A Large Church That Is Bursting With Extra Activities That Can Become The Focus Of Your Everyday. You Will Not Even Find A Paved Parking Lot, Padded Pews, A Service That Always Ends At Noon, And Please, Don'T Get Me Started About The Minister.
Seeds exists to make Jesus real, by rooting our lives in Jesus, growing to be like Jesus and sowing his life in the world.Seeds' life is shaped around 7 core values known to us as the Seeds Seven.Worship, openness, connectedness, transparency, responsiveness, generosity and peace.
We invite you to look at our web site and get to know a little bit about our church community. If you are not currently a member of our church – we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and invite you to worship with us at one of our weekly services or attend one of our church community events. Please feel free to reach out and call one of our Pastors through our church office for more information.
Every person on the planet is a unique creation of God, on a real journey with real purpose. No matter where you find yourself in life, it is our amazing privilege to come along side and encourage one another to live a life that makes a lasting impact in the world around us.Our goal is for all Jesus' believers to see themselves as THE CHURCH ready to make a difference as we 'love God and love others.'Just like Jesus, we are here for everyone, no matter what your past or present situation may be. As we personally grow and experience what a real loving relationship with Jesus is all about, we come to a place of joy, peace and fulfilment that nothing else could ever bring.
If you were to visit the Altona Mennonite Church you would not meet any perfect people. Nor would you meet a people bound together by their uniformity in worship style, theology, politics, age, and countless other issues. You would not find a large church