
Bistros near Behchoko NT (11 Result(s))

Stop by Bullock's Bistro in Yellowknife to try delicious platter fish and chips tonight and find out for yourself why Reader's Digest voted them #1 in Canada.
This is easily the best place to eat fresh northern fish and wild game in Yellowknife. Everything is made from scratch on site. We have eaten there many times. The prices are excellent given the quality of the food. Bullock's has a relaxed setting on the shores of Back Bay in a Yellowkinfe Heritage Building. A must for Yellowknife residents and visitors. They have the coolest sign too !! Read more
The phone number for this merchant may have changed recently
Anna's Home Cooking is closed to the public but is open for catering. If you have an order over 8, you can have breakfast, lunch or supper. Anna's College Cantina is a service designed for the students at Aurora College but is available to the public. Hours are 8am -4 pm Monday to Friday. Stop in for a ready to go meal. To book a massage appointment with Joan, please call 867 821 2582
The best food in town. Fresh, clean food while traveling is difficult to find. The atmosphere is relaxing. Anna and her staff are warm and friendly. Read more
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