The Vancouver Yacht Club was formed in 1903, seventeen years after Vancouver was incorporated. The Club had as its first headquarters a small rented house at the foot of Thurlow Street in coal Harbour and proudly counted eighteen yachts in its flee
PHC GabriolaGabriolans helping GabriolansPeople for a Healthy Community - PHC Gabriola Island is a non-profit social services agency and community resource centre.PHC Gabriola works to support the health and well-being of all members of our community by offering a range of essential services.
Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendship Centre promotes justice, fairness and equalityfor Aboriginal people through a holistic approach to programming and services.
The B.C. Muslim Association (BCMA) is a non-profit organization incorporated under the Societies Act on November 17, 1966 corresponding to 4 Sha-ban 1386. The BCMA is currently the largest Sunni Muslim organization in the province representing Sunni Muslims. The BCMA own and operate several Islamic centres all across British Columbia, The BCMA operates the B.C. Muslim School (BCMS) Richmond and Surrey Muslim School encompassing a preschool as well as an elementary and secondary school. Efforts are being made for acquirng a high school. Other community services include Hajj, dawah work, dealing with media and issues affecting Muslims, marriage and counselling services, youth services and halal certification program. The BCMA and its member are dedicated in developing and maintaining religious, cultural and educational facilities for our present community and future generations.