Jars of Clay Cafe is operated by Harvest House Ministries PEI. This cafe has been established to help provide the resources we need to operate our long term addictions recovery for men (18 and up) coming from troubled situations. Many of our youth are struggling with addictions and unhealthy lifestyles. We are here to help those who desire to be set free. All proceeds from the cafe will be allocated toward this endeavor.
Home Mothers Against Drunk DrivingMothers Against Drunk DrivingThis week is Child Passenger Safety Week, a time to evaluate how to keep our kids safe on the roads. MADDReceive news and information drunk driving, victims services and underage drinking prevention.Spam Control Text:
While Air Cadets in Canada were actually started in British Columbia circa 1938, the Air Cadet League of Canada was not chartered until April, 1941. The Air Cadet League of Canada along with the 12 Provincial and Territorial Committees have been providing direction, guidance and support to the Air Cadet movement in Canada for over 60 years.
Thirteen Family Resource Centres, funded through the Community Action Program for Children (CAPC), operate in New Brunswick . They are managed by community Board of Directors. The Centrés programs cover the province through a network of about 82 sites, many in isolated rural areas.Family Resource Centres offer a variety of programs and activities for parents and their children ages 0 - 6, including drop-ins, parent education and support groups, collective kitchens, toy and resource-lending libraries and programs to promote parent-child communication and bonding, family literacy and child development and safety.