Appliance Hookups, Faucets And Anti-Scald Faucets, Installations, Plumbers And Plumbing, Plumbing Fixtures, Plumbing Supplies, Safety Products, Septic And Well Inspection, Sewer And Drain Cleaning, Underground Water And Drain Piping, Water Conditioning And Filtration, Well Pump Systems, Contractor
Established in 1986 by Bob Taylor, Taylor Plumbing has grown into one of the premier plumbing companies serving the Golden Horseshoe area. Our licensed and insured professionals provide complete plumbing solutions for home and business owners, including installation, repair and maintenance. From plumbing fixtures to pressure systems to sump pumps and everything in-between, you can depend on us for fast, efficient service. Visit our website for a full list of services or give us a call to schedule an appointment!
Ward's Water Pumps & Plumbing is a full service plumbing, pump, and water well company. Services include plumbing issues, water treatment, sump pumps, and hot water tanks.