Excellent business for computer repair. Ron is very knowledgeable and helpful. He has parts on hand and takes the time to find the best peripherals for your requirements. Read more
Motors, Headphones, HDMI, Movie Props, Power Supplies, Wires, Surplus, Speakers, HD Cables and Accessories, Gears, Computer Cables, Batteries, Art Supplies, DC Adapters, Electronic Components, Flash Lights, Fans, Fair Supplies, AC Adapters
Since 1962 we've helped students build science fair projects, artists bring visions to life, and movie sets fill their scenes. Our name says electronics, but we carry so much more. Need cables for your new speakers? Got 'em. Fixing an old stereo? We have the parts. Lost a wall charger? Have those too. Need a thing to go on your whatsit? It's over by those doo-dads.
Free Geek Toronto, a non-profit social enterprise in the heart of West Queen West helping bridge the digital divide. We accept donations of electronic waste, refurbish computers and re-sell them at an accessible price.
Computer Solutions Plus in Cavan offers a wide range of computer and computer accessory solutions. We sell and service computers, laptops, printers, ink and toners. We'll also help you set up wired and wireless networks, as well as external storage devices. Call Computer Solutions Plus for more information.
Over many years I have used Computer Solutions Plus for my personal and business computer needs. The service has been excellent, with all problems solved to my satisfaction in a timely and professional manner. I would highly recommend Computer Solutions Plus to others.Read more
Hardware And Software Sales, Corporate And Residential Support, On Site And In-Store Service, Network Design And Installation, Managed Services And Maintenance, Computer Repair Service, Computer Store, Business Service
For all your computing needs, visit Computer Depot in Kingston. We have a large selection of hardware, software and accessories for sale, whether you’re looking to buy a new laptop or build your own tower. We carry hard drives, motherboards, printers and processors. We also carry the latest in popular tablets, printers and monitors. To browse our entire product line, visit our website or drop by the store today.
AB SCIEX helps to improve the world we live in by enabling scientists and laboratory analysts to push the limits in their field and address the complex analytical challenges they face. The company's global leadership and world-class service & support in the mass spectrometry industry have made it a trusted partner to thousands of the scientists and lab analysts worldwide who are focused on basic research, drug discovery & development, food & environmental testing, forensics and clinical research.
Arlen Recycling Inc., we recycle all types of electronic waste and computer scrap metal. Our services include collection, removal and processing of your obsolete and unused materials and equipment, as well as certified destruction of hard drives and other storage devices. We ensure safe, secure, and environmentally responsible recycling of your obsolete and unused electronic materials.
We sell and repair all brands and types of hardware - Lenovo ThinkPads, ThinkCentre, ThinkServer, ThinkStation, Apple iPads, Macbooks, iMac's, Toshiba Laptops, HP Laptops and HP Printers, Samsung Tablets are just some examples.