Founded in 1996 by artists theater lovers, who decided to 'do their own theater' and leave the city to bring theater to the people, The Pig SouRiant is a traveling theater company that was given the mandate to create original shows open to all disciplines and to disseminate with its own capital. Company creation and tour, Cochon SouRiant favors co-diffusion in partnership with communities and practice hospitality by other artists. The company is characterized by its desire for original creations, his attachment to the tradition of traveling theater and fairground, a collective operation, anchoring in rural, exchange and solidarity commitments artistic collaborations, the concern of a transmission over and involvement that continues the diversity and vitality of the arts everywhere, for everyone.
Founded in spring 1985, the company Double design is the outcome of collaboration between Patrick Quintal and Laurence Tardi, both actors, authors and professional directors working in theater for fifteen years. Therefore, a creative theater and research was born in the Eastern Townships.
Victor Hugoretour Des Ateliers Multidisciplinaires Pour La Saison 20142015Les Ateliers Multidisciplinaires Ont Pout But Damener Les Participants A Se Familiariser Avec Differentes Formes Dexpression Artistique Et Sadressent Aux Gens De 16 A 96 Ans, Avec Ou Sans Experience. Deux Sessions De 10 Ateliers Sont Offertes Pour Arriver A La Creation Dun Spectacle Multidisciplinaire En Avril 2015. Les Inscriptions Sont Ouvertes Jusquau 30 Septembre, Faites Vite, Le Nombre De Places Est Limite.