
Rehabilitation Services near Grahamsville ON (1 Result(s))

The Read Clinic is a multidisciplinary vocational rehabilitation, psychological and neuropsychological, chiropractic and kinesiology assessment and treatment service. It provides diagnostic and treatment services to persons of all ages, with a focus on patients having suffered traumatic physical injuries, pain disorders, or disabling diseases. The Clinic also services adults and students with cognitive, mental efficiency and learning disability-related issues. Services are available as well to Insurers and law firms in areas of personal injury litigation, medical malpractice matters, and related considerations. Assessments related to trainability, employability and vocational rehabilitation planning are common issues commonly addressed in medical-legal examinations. The Read Clinic provides services in several regions of Ontario. Further details are available at the Clinic website, . Referral may be made by telephone to Clinic Intake, at 416 469-5909 ext 21 or 22.
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