At H & H Enterprises Ltd, we are your team of concrete contractors in the Wabush area. Staying up-to-date on all the latest advancements in our industry, we offer a vast range of industrial services, including but not limited to: equipment and vehicle rentals, snow clearing and aggregate sales. Using only the best manufacturers to complete your projects, such as Caterpillar, Chevy and Ford, we feel confident about our work and level of quality. Learn more by visiting our website.
Bassin De Rétention, Coffrage Isolant, Fondation De Béton, Muret, Plancher De Béton, Protection Hydrofuge, Réparation De Fissures, Polissage, Pompage De Béton, Sciage De Béton
Services de Béton de l'est est une entreprise spécialisée en travaux de béton dans la région de Gaspé. Nous effectuons, entre autres, le pompage de béton, la réparation de fissures, le polissage et le sciage de béton. De plus, nous sommes dépositaires des produits Integraspec, un coffrage permanent au pouvoir isolant inégalé. Notre système de coffrage nous permet de mettre rapidement en place des structures de béton de toutes hauteurs et de deux pieds de largeur, si nécessaire.
Concrete Products (CP) in St. John's is the oldest and largest ready mix concrete, masonry block, paving stone and retaining wall producer in Newfoundland. We have been dedicated to serving the concrete needs of our province for more than 70 years. With a large modern fleet of ready mix trucks, stone slingers, concrete pump trucks, and a state-of-the-art block and paver production facility, we are well-equipped to continue this dedicated service. Looking for stamped concrete? Coloured concrete? A poured concrete foundation? You have come to the right place. We also supply stone veneer and clay brick products through internationally recognized suppliers like Canyon Stone Canada Inc., Dutch Quality Stone and Brampton Brick.