Dr Rees specializes in diagnosis and treatment of foot pathologies which can include skin, nail disorders, diabetic foot, toenail surged, orthotics, lasers
Dr. Brian Johnson is a podiatrist that practices in New Brunswick and in Prince Edward Island. He has more than 30 years’ experience. He is considered the most experienced licensed podiatrist in the Maritimes that can treat bunions, corns and callouses and foot pain. Contact us today for professional foot care.
Visit Dr. Stephen Johnson , B. Sc. DP., and his clinic in Saint John. We offer complete family foot care and management treatments, as well as casted and computerized orthotics, and diabetic and arthritic foot care. Contact us today to book an appointment with our licensed podiatrist. No referral necessary!
Dr. Susan Davidge offers comprehensive foot care to patients in Fredericton. Get the foot care you need, including treatment of sports injuries, ingrown toenails, ongoing diabetic foot care, callus reduction, wart treatments, custom orthotics, and more. Call to make your appointment today.
Great care is given and getting relief from the pain of a corn between my toes. A mold was made for me and what a blessing. Thank you ever so much.Read more