Bringing over 60 years of combined experience, our team provides the sound, reliable financial advice necessary to help you achieve financial independence and peace of mind.fancybox-imageOur clients know they can rely on:a defined, consistent approach to financial planning a committment to a long term relationshipa clear & transparent map to execute your financial planBut it all starts by defining your dreams. And once we've determined what financial independence means to you, we can begin putting our services to work and ensure you realize everything you hoped to in life!''To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require stratospheric IQ, unusual business insight, or inside information. What's needed is a sound intellectual framework for decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework.'' - Warren Buffet We sleep so much easier knowing that we've taken care of all the 'what-ifs' and seen how our future could unfold. Now, when the next thing comes up, we can call and just update our plan without having to start worrying again from the beginning