Eastown Pharmacy is located next to Food Basics in Eastown Plaza at the corner of Tecumseh and Lauzon Rd. Fast, Friendly Prescription Service & Free City Wide Rx Delivery. New Minor Ailments Prescribing, Patient Counseling on Rx's, Medscheck Med Reviews, Blister Pack Service, Flu Shots, Weight Management, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Coaching.
All Drug Plans Accepted. No $2 Copay on eligible ODB Rx's, Reduced Copays on all eligible Rx's, 10%/20%* Daily Discount on OTC products. Make the switch to Eastown Pharmacy now! Transfer your prescriptions to us by calling us at 519-974-7776.
Announcing our New Medical Service:
Our pharmacist can write you a prescription (*if applicable) for any of 13 minor ailments:
Pink Eye
Menstrual Pain
Cold Sores
Insect bites,hives,Ticks (Lyme prev)
Eastown Pharmacy is owned and operated by Stavros Gavrilidis (Steve Gavrilos), R.Ph.,
I've been client of Eastown Pharmacy for 10+ years. Steve and his staff are very knowledgeable, approachable, professional, and go above and beyond to meet their clients expectations.Read more