Based in North Vancouver, Medcom Billing Systems Inc offers medical and credit card billing services. For more information on our medical technical services, give us a call or visit us online today.
Arazy Group Consultants Inc. is a global, multifaceted regulatory affairs firm that provides all types of medical device manufacturers with innovative, client-specific solutions throughout the product life cycle – from early development to post-market activities.
Arazy Group is constantly pursuing advanced solutions for the medical device industry and seeks to align its clients with the global economy and the ever-changing regulatory landscape.
Our expertise is regulatory affairs and quality assurance for the medical device industry, culminating in our flagship service, LICENSALE.COM™.
There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, a disease that affects people of all ages, from babies to older people. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a disease of the elderly; in fact, more than three in five people diagnosed with arthritis are under the age of 65. The disease affects people of all races and both genders, though some people - like women and Aboriginal Canadians - are more likely to get arthritis than others.
There is an incredible amount of information to learn about autism—new challenges and opportunities arise frequently. Our team is here to help you wherever you are on your journey. We have tried to make our resources easy to find based on your specific needs. Please click the pictures to learn more!