
Medical & Dental X-Ray Laboratories near Vanier Ottawa ON (24 Result(s))

Kingston MRI is a non-profit community MRI clinic licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. We have performed MRI scans on over 11,000 patients in the last year and over 175,000 patients since opening in 2003. We offer examinations that cover neuro, body, and musculoskeletal cases. We provide 80 hours per week of OHIP-insured MRI services. MRI services to non-OHIP-insured patients (e.g., Workers Safety and Insurance Board, Canadian Armed Forces, funded research studies, etc.) are provided outside of the core hours. All MRI services require referral from a physician licensed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). Kingston MRI is operated by Kingston Radiologists and has state-of-the-art technology. Our goal is to provide patients with the highest quality of MRI service, increased access and decreased waiting times.
It does not take long, as they are very efficient! Read more
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