Naturopathic Doctors are medical professionals who are trained in both modern medicine and alternative medicine. Each Doctor has completed an Undergraduate degree or Pre-Med level education, followed by a 4 year training program at a CNME accredited institution. The training involves standard medical training as well as specific training in alternative therapies such as nutrition, botanical medicine, spinal manipulation, oriental medicine, and homeopathy. Many Doctors will pursue further training in areas of special interest. Dr. Bastien for example, has done further training in Neural Therapy, Prolotherapy, Intravenous Therapy, and Pharmaceutical Therapy. Because of the varied training, your Naturopathic Physician can choose the best treatment option for your case.
Rad Ballets, Street Jazz, Strength and Stretch, ISTD Modern, musical theatre, ISTD Tap, Lyrical Jazz, Pointe, Acro, Break Dancing, Contemporary, Hip Hop
Dance Schools. Over 2 decades of Dance on Vancouver North Shore.