Guarantee a healthy gestionLe board of Union Terrace coproprie'te'Les Paton is proud to offer this tool to ' communicationefficace coproprie'taires and all our members famille.C'est continuing mission always better manage our assets quenous innovating matière communication . Our Condo Re'seaupermet adhe'sion to ' to' all of us in acce'der Privy informationsconcernant documents and managing our syndicat.Nous can consult at any time : procès records of hall meetings , announcements classe'es , fund pre'voyance studies , balance of State property , statement of coproprie'te' , regulations , financial e'tats , important news , the share etc.Mieux information in any transparenceest a guarantee of a healthy gestion.Les Paton Terraces more Hotel accommodations ZEROFAILLes websites Condo Re'seau are offered free to coproprie'te' unions , managers, administrators and coproprie'taires Member of Quebec Condo Tips and customers partners and suppliers affilie'sà Communication CondoMarketing .