Metal Machining and Fabrication in London of Custom Pneumatic, Hydraulic and Mechanical Equipment since 1943.
-CNC Milling, Lathe, Surface and Cylindrical Grinding, Welding (Steel, Stainless, Aluminum), Machine Design, Custom Jigs and fixtures, Stamping Press, Hydraulic Press, Fabricating and Welding, Small and big jobs, Automatic machining, general machine work, machine maintenance, cylindrical grinding 10" x 5", surface grinding, design & build pneumatic equipment, design & build hydraulic equipment, design & build mechanical equipment, CNC milling
Municipal News. Local Improvement Plan for Hamlet of Acadia Valley (view as pdf) We have all the water & sewer works completed and working. What remains is the cleanup, such as resurfacing the streets, picking up unwanted materials, weed control and then re-grassing of areas affected. We appreciate . Continue ReadingJuly 20th, 2014, In Homepage , by adminCommunity NewsPlease click on this post's heading to access all links. The Prairie Elevator Society will be hosting a Fashion Show again in Nov 2014 The AV Community Club does catering & rents the AV Community Hall for many events. Click here for the rates. The History Books are both available here at the MD office also. . Continue ReadingJuly 20th, 2014, In Homepage , by admin
Custom MachinesRB&W SPAC NutsIn 1998 J-Tech was asked by a local company to build machines to install self-pierce and clinch nuts. The machines were to install octagon shaped pierce and clinch nuts into steel hydroformed parts. Custom MachinesSince 1988 J-Tech has been involved in designing and building custom machines for industry. Machines that we have supplied include, grease injection machines, stud install machines, self pierce and clinch nut install machines. J-Tech Tooling & Machines.
Eagle Precision Technologies merged with AddisonMckee to form a complete global solutions provider. This merger brought together the two largest global names in tube manipulation products and services in order to provide our collective global customer bas