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Toronto Yacht Charters has a variety of sailing yachts stationed throughout the Western End of Lake Ontario including many in the Toronto and in the GTA waterfront area. We are focused on providing professionally skippered sailing adventures on sailboats from 33' up to and including 50' and at reasonable prices. Our other services include yacht commissioning, spring and winter preparation, yacht delivery, yacht maintenance and yacht-sitting and yacht brokerage.
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Your travel experts with over 30 years in the travel industry! Chose the way you book your next leisure or business trip: call now - over 950 Travel Agents ready to assist you, visit our website for a quote or in-person at one of our 225 conveniently located shops across Canada. Lowest airfare guaranteed.
Your locally owned and operated Expedia Cruise location in Barrie has been servicing the vacation needs of the Simcoe region for over 20 years. We are a full service travel agency with over 20 travel experts offering advice you can trust and the best prices. Air, Land & Sea Vacations...we do it all.
We are the Cruise Experts. We offer every cruise option to every corner of the world, near or far. You can travel by sea, along centuries-old rivers, on large ships and small ships, themed cruises, luxury cruises, or on a quick budget-friendly escape, all on board the top cruise lines in the world.
We provide every travel option. Whether it’s overseas or closer to home, we offer vacation packages, all-inclusive resorts, coach and rail tours, home and villa rentals, travel insurance, as well as flights, hotels, car rentals, activities, and excursions.
Your travel experts with over 30 years in the travel industry! Chose the way you book your next leisure or business trip: call now - over 950 Travel Agents ready to assist you, visit our website for a quote or in-person at one of our 225 conveniently located shops across Canada. Lowest airfare guaranteed.