
Clubs near South Surrey BC (21 Result(s))

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Quality Care makes a difference - caring for children in the Fraser Valley Since 1987. Your kids will love our programs Your child will be participating in programs with themed activities that change monthly. We offer fun and interesting activities like outdoor/indoor sports, games, crafts, stories, and age appropriate activities that support your child?s personal well-being. Group daycare ages 2.5 to 5 Years. Our program provides foundations for early learning and kindergarten readiness with experiences that promote your child?s early years. Kinder-Care and School-Age Care: this program is centered on play and learning activities with positive peer interaction. When school is closed (ex. summer break, pro-d days, etc.) activities include field trips with our staff to local area attractions that are safe, fun and interesting. We provide daily transportation from our centre to your child's school and back.
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