
Clubs near Logy Bay NL (5 Result(s))

Unforgettable? You bet. Pippy Park's 27-hole public golf facility has an inspired birds-eye view of North America's oldest City and miles of rugged coastline. Chances are you'll glimpse icebergs and whales while walking the courses. But don't lose your focus. Admiral's Green is an 18-hole championship course and a real pleasure to play. Captain's Hill is a scenic 9-hole course.The facility also includes a licensed golfer's lounge in the fully-appointed Admiral's Green Clubhouse. Golfers and visitors alike know the clubhouse is a great place to relax. Come linger on the deck with a cool beverage and take a longer look at those icebergs!
As a new golfer, I golfed the 9hole a few days ago and this course is a perfect balance of challenging and fun. Amazing customer service at the driving range a few days later as I cracked a fellow golfers club off but the manager owned up and took liability, handled perfectly. Nothing but good to say about these guys and gals! Read more
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