St Ann's Community Church is a church in the community, for the community. Celebrating 41 years of God's Blessings Over 40 years ago, we launched our ministry in St. Anns as a Church in the Community, For the Community and we take this mandate very seriously to this very day. We exist to make a difference in the lives of others and, at SACC, we truly believe that it's ALL about relationships... our relationship with God and those around us. Ministries at SACC: At St Anns, there is something for everyone and it's all about relationships: about connecting with God and people so that we all can live our lives to their full potential and be productive in serving others. Our children get to participate in many age appropriate programs where they can meet God and others in fun.
We believe and profess one catholic or universal Church which is a holy congregation of true Christian believers all expecting their salvation in Jesus Christ being washed by His blood,sanctified and sealed by the Holy Spirit Belgic Confession,Article 27. This universal Church comes to expression in local churches found in communities throughout the world such as in Wellandport,Ontario.
We are a community of faith, believers in God, the father, Jesus Christ, his son and in the Holy Spirit. The 3 persons in which God has chosen to reveal himself to us and which form the basis of our beliefs. We are the Bethel Christian Reformed Church. A