
Caterers near Mississippi Mills ON (4 Result(s))

In the heart of Ottawa, and at the heart of the community, the Marconi Centre is a vibrant cultural centre and a social nucleus of projects, events and activities. We are a perfect location for community events, weddings, corporate functions and special events. Let our professional staff turn your dream wedding into reality with elegance, class and gourmet cuisine all designed to leave a lasting impression with your guests. Planning a meeting or event? Let us do the work with first rate services for all of your professional needs. Celebrate your day, the Italian way with warm ambiance, delicious food and friendly service whether it's a Holiday parties, anniversaries, graduation or our popular Mother's Day Lunch and New Year's Eve Party. Come experience la dolce vita.

Caterers Mississippi Mills ON

Whether you’re preparing for a wedding dinner, a cocktail, a buffet, or hiring a private chef, the quality of the food and the service offered in Mississippi Mills ON will influence your guests’ experience.

5 Tips for Finding a Caterer in Mississippi Mills ON

When to Start Your Search

The date when you need to find your caterer varies depending on the size of your event. We recommended actually booking your Mississippi Mills ON caterer 5 to 8 months prior to the date of the event, but you should really consider doing it earlier during busier periods, such as the summer time or the holidays.

Know the Type of Service You Want

Do you want a sit-down meal, a cocktail, a buffet, meal trays? An Italian, Chinese, or Moroccan Mississippi Mills ON caterer? Know what you want, and always make sure your caterer will be able to meet your needs.

Ask for a Tasting

A professional caterer will allow you to taste various dishes before you make your choice. Be sure to always explicitly ask for a tasting in order to judge the quality of their work.

Ask Questions

Organizing a wedding or a large party demands, on top of the quality of the food, great presentation and service. Don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as you can that relate to the organization of your event, including what is included in the performance, the number of waiters, the hours of service, etc.

Look for References

Good caterers in Mississippi Mills ON will have plenty of experience, and have most probably hosted a great deal of events around your area. So, chances are that your friends or family have attended an event catered by any given company, and can give you helpful critiques about their experience. Ask them who the caterer was, and if they have good memories of them. Several websites also provide customer ratings and reviews that can help you make your choice.

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