
Burger Restaurants near Moody Park New Westminster BC (1 Result(s))

The phone number for this merchant may have changed recently
Cactus Club Cafe Bentall boasts award winning service and offers a menu that is crafted with fresh, local and sustainable ingredients, designed by Canada's first Iron Chef America Champion Rob Feenie. Please call for reservations: 604.682.0933
I recently visited this (new?) location with my friends and much to my joy the service was cool and attractive and the server was attentive... In other words, very good!! The food was good to above average and well cooked! tasty Chicken, and I special ordered melting cheese. Being a fan of inventive food, I will probably return to this location just for that but would definitely take a drive here also to satisfy my appetite for eye candy. I really liked it although the cheese was kinda salty and after a while. I would definitly go again, the waitresses were really cute but kinda old. Read more
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