Welcomeour Goal Is To Create And Produce Superior Canola Hybrid Varieties That Are Profitable To Producers In North America.Our Success Is In Our Genetics. Its In The Field Testing And Most Importantly, Its In The Performance. We Dedicate Our Resources To Growing Quality Seed. Our Research Team Works Closely With Industry Partners, Universities, Other Breeders And Our Distributors To Test And Develop The Best Possible Canola Hybrid Varieties.By Staying On Top Of Market Demands, We Meet And Exceed The Expectations In The Hybrid Canola Market. We Are Highly Dedicated To Our Distribution Network As They Keep Us Close To The Consumer And Gaining Market Share. The Formation Of Dl Seeds Inc. Is Our Way Of Illustrating To The Market Our Strong Dedication To The North American Canola Industry.
We take the time to get to know you and your operation, thus giving you the best possible agronomic recommendations. We offer full season plans right from fertility planning in the winter to infield scouting in the summer and finish the season off with fall soil testing and everything in between, with this system we believe you can maximize efficiency and grow the highest quality product.