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Meet the owner

“Culture, and music in particular, is a bit like an iceberg: too often, only the tip is visible, but when you look under the surface, you discover much, much more,” proclaims Gwen Formal, president and founder of Camuz. “Camuz’s mission is to shore up the whole edifice, or at least to cover it and create buzz.”

Gwen’s website, which he launched in 2008, covers the nooks and crannies of the Montreal music scene. The entrepreneur spares no effort to bring his readers the most up-to-date music coverage, in the form of concert reviews, as well as event and nightlife listings, to paint an exhaustive portrait of all of the city’s music scene happenings.

“The name Camuz is a contraction of calendar and music, and harkens back to our beginnings, which was before the social networking explosion,” Gwen explains. “Music listings were all over the place at the time, so the idea was to create a simple, centralized listing to make it easy for our readers to find something to go to.”

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