Stay away from this company if you actually want your customers to get product. Or, go ahead and use them, but tell your customers (within a 4 hour radius) that it takes 2 weeks to deliver.
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Stay away from this company if you actually want your customers to get product. Or, go ahead and use them, but tell your customers (within a 4 hour radius) that it takes 2 weeks to deliver.
Sorry that I cant choose no stars at all. Absolute zero for phone support, and their live chat is not working. All phone lines sound busy or do not answer. They do not answer their emails either. They may be great to deliver things but there is no way to track anything properly or get in contact with customer service to know where your package is.
We received a package at our facility on the back of a transport truck. The package should have been delivered to a company in Montreal. I have been calling every Canpar number on the internet and they are all cancelled phone numbers, no answer, messages are full and cant hold anymore. Wasted too much time trying to have some poor suckers packed delivered. Canpar ALT REF: W000331808 L7363 H4S1P4 Ground