
Music Stores near Barachois NB (7 Result(s))

We pride ourselves in stocking the latest and greatest musical artist and entertainers, and we provide our customers with all genres of music. Easy listening, soft rock, folk, Celtic inspired, New Age, classical, country, R&B, alternative, reggae, rap - you name it! We are also the best supplier of Acadian and Francophone music east of Montreal. We have supported such different artists as Les Mechant Maquereaux, Edith Butler, Roch Voisine, Celine Dion, and many others. We are especially devoted to the support of home-grown talent, so artists such as Chris Colepaugh, and Moncton's own fiddling sensation Ivan Hicks are found well displayed. We also have an extensive classical room for the aficionados of classical music, or for those just learning about it. But the term "classical room" means more than just the old symphonic composers. Classical also means classic blues, jazz, R&B, and more!
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