Thornhill Paint Supplies Is Proud To Be An Independent Benjamin Moore Paint Retailer Serving The Thornhill Community. We'Re Proud To Deliver The Kind Of Specialized Attention To Detail And Help That You Simply Won'T Find In Larger Chain Stores. Our Store Professionals Are Comprised Of Trained Specialists Whose Knowledgeable Experience And Helpful Advice Will Ensure The Success Of Every Project You Have.
J2 Products is an industrial supplier of aerosol paints and cleaners,replica watches
marking products, and automotive specialties.
J2 Products, a division of Sawill Limited, founded in 1970, supplies a wide range of:
-Aerosol paints and chemicals
-Custom colour paints (aerosol and bulk)
-Automotive specialty products (bodyshop and mechanical)
-Other marking and related products
At J2 Products, quality is everyone's responsibility. Our goal is to provide products and services of the highest quality, with zero errors and 100% on the time deliveries.
Hillcrest Paint is an authorized Benjamin Moore Retailer specializing in interior and exterior paint and stain supplies. Hillcrest Paint is your local choice to find inspiration and support about your paint and stain product choices and color selections. We are dedicated to serving our local community of Richmond Hill. Whether you need interior or exterior, high-end or commercial-grade coatings, we are ready to serve you and answer all of your questions.
Great company! Haven’t purchased anything from them for 10+ years (just didn’t need any paint!) and they remembered the speciality product we used, and the code! Always had great experiences with this company and found their staff to be efficient and friendly. Definitely
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