Objectif Lune's mission is to free customers from legacy mentality by creating elegant software tools to help our customers communicate more effectively with their customers.Design, distribution, management and/or re-engineering of data driven communications, all parts are covered, independent of hardware compatibility considerations.
Le logiciel RH SIGMA-RH est conçu pour répondre aux divers défis auxquels sont confrontés les professionnels RH, en les positionnant au cœur de l'organisation. Cette solution SaaS complète et flexible s'adapte à tous les besoins RH, allant des exigences simples aux exigences complexes, tout en assurant une sécurité optimale. Il englobe la gestion administrative, le suivi du temps, la gestion des talents, la santé et la sécurité ainsi que les relations de travail, ce qui en fait un outil tout-en-un pour une gestion efficace des ressources humaines.
Offer our partners solutions database and census value added.By allowing you to refine your analysis and making your decisions for you and creates a streamlined process, integrated and collaborative.
ArthroLab offers an array of services for in vitro and ex vivo studies, including tissue explants and cell culture assays, and customizes comprehensive services to meet the varying needs of a highly diverse clientele.
We increase business Margin of profit by destroying the nonValue that slow you down.we're a team that works closely with you to exposeanalyze and eliminate these tasks through software solution thought schematic developed specifically to meet your needs and goals.