Like any decision you will have to live with, completing your home can be intimidating. We are trying to take the anxiety out of decorating by introducing our unique design service.
Lockside Trading Company is a gift shop set in the oldest house in Young's Point. Since 1987, we've carried quality furniture, home decor, outdoor gear, casual clothing, unique giftware, and more. We also offer interior design services at our in-store design centre or through an in-home consultation.
At Knock on Wood and More we offer a diverse range of furnishings including name brand upholstery, solid wood products and accessories to outfit your entire home. We also offer custom handcrafted pieces to express your style be it contemporary, classic or country.To accessorize you will find lamps, mirrors, prints, quilts, throws and much much more.We also carry unique lines of gift products.We have an experienced and helpful staff ready to assist you.
Being in business since 1926 says a great deal about our thousands of customers. Obviously, they are satisfied customers. Customers who know that they have received the very best in home furnishing value, from the quality of the furniture to the quality of the service. And at great prices. If not, they wouldn’t continue to return to our stores year after year.
For us, it’s straightforward. Offer the best furniture value - anywhere. Hire the best staff - anywhere. Deliver the best customer service - anywhere. And do it for every customer, every time, every year, for almost a century.
Come into either of our spacious showrooms and see for yourself the possibilities. From exquisite accessories and small-space sofas to expansive sectionals and complete room settings, we want to inspire your imagination, explore the possibilities and help you find exactly what you want, at the price you want... only at Bennett’s.
We purchased a reclining sectional & a recliner from Bennetts about 15 yrs ago. The mechanism broke in one seat on the couch after about 7 yrs or so. Bennetts came to my house,removed the broken section of the couch and repaired it at no cost to us. We are very hard on our furniture so I was surprised and pleased that we were able to get over 10 yrs of use out of the furniture. I have just ordered another recliner from them and am looking forward to another long lasting piece of furniture.Read more