Experts since 1979.
Meet us in one of our two showroom and choose over more than 100 fireplaces and stove.
Our team is ready to take care of your project.
In 1910 Origen Landreville establish a hardware business and ironwork, there was farm machinery, stoves, wood and even the first Ford cars, reception arrived at the station the next village. Hervin Savignac acquired the building in the years 1930 , he practiced his blacksmithing, making cartwheel, shoeing horses and repairing any kind. Germain's eldest son acquired from a very early age the experience of his father in 1979 he took over, the change is needed with the time, he specializes in ornamental iron, inventor d'un patent stoves wood, he obtained the CSA Certificate 1982.
Les Foyers 4 Saisonsspecialiste Dans La Vente Et Linstallation De Poeles, Foyers Et Cheminees. Nous Vendons La Plupart Des Marques Reconnues Sur Le Marche. Nos Experts Sauront Vous Conseiller Dans Votre Choix Et Vos Besoins. Nous Sommes Situes A Saintejulienne Sur Lautoroute 125 Nord Dans Lanaudiere. Notre Vaste Choix Dappareils Sont A Laffut Des Nouveautes En Matiere De Style Et De Design Et Sont Conc¸U Pour La Performance Et La Securite. Que Ce Soit Pour Un Foyer Au Gaz, Au Granule Ou Au Bois Nous Saurons Trouver La Solution Confort Pour Votre Maison Ou Chalet.· Livraison Et Installation