Watch Our New Video! Printable PDF Catalogue Available HereAlthough we love our online site for quick and easy sales - we understand some shops and customers like the feel and convenience of a hard copy. Therefore we have decided to release our catalog on.PDF to print! Please Note: We will update the catalog as much as possible (generally every few months) with the most recent parts and prices, however check the website to verify. Also check your hard copy revision date on the front page to make sure you have the most recent version! Download.PDF catalog HERE (982kb, 14 pages, December 2012 Edition)Quality Custom Porsche Automobile Panels.Restoration Design, based in Guelph Ontario, is a manufacturing facility producing high quality rust repair and complete replacement panels for vintage Porsche automobiles.Buy with confidence from the people who actually make what they sell! Shop OnlineHundreds of Items Ready to ShipUsed panels and other parts stockedExpress Shipping AvailableOrder online, by phone, FAX, or mail!
United Manufacturing Corporation has been serving the Cambridge area with quality products and competitive pricing for over 20 years. We offer JIT delivery for our clients while providing superior service. Our full service machining, metal stamping operation and complete in-house tooling facility helps create prototype and assembly products for a variety of industries. Our two up-to-date modern and safe facilities boast 25,000 sq. ft. of assembly floor space. We consider our staff the foundation for our success and take great pride in the knowledge that we are both flexible and able to adapt to a large variety of situations. Visit our website or call us today.