
Auto Repair Garages near L'Épiphanie QC (175 Result(s))

Garage de mécanique générale!
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Excellent service rapide et professionnels! Read more
Notre objectif est de dépasser chacune de vos attentes grâce à nos valeurs d'honnêteté, de fiabilité et de professionnalisme. Contactez-nous aujourd'hui pour plus d'informations!
Hill Auto: un seul endroit à retenir pour presque tous types de réparations dans la région du grand Montréal et Lanaudière! Parmi eux, la mécanique générale avec une spécialitée pour les voitures allemandes, l'alignement 3D, la climatisation, la vente de pièces automobiles neuves & usagées et de carrosserie, le redressement de châssis, la peinture et entretien de carrosserie, l'achat et vente d'automobiles usagées et même le recyclage auto. Spécialisé dans les marques allemandes, HILL AUTO offre également des pièces neuves et usagées pour toutes les marques de voitures allemandes.
SERVICE ULTRA RAPIDE ET SANS RENDEZ-VOUS - VOITURES DE COURTOISIE - Pour un travail de qualité, exécuté par nos mécaniciens expérimentés et en qui vous pouvez avoir confiance, appelez-nous!
très très bon service ! rapide sur les lieux, rapide dans les rendez-vous je recommande fortement ! Read more
Méanique Génerale - Freins - Silencieux - Suspensions

Garage and auto repairing in L'Épiphanie QC

Your car suddenly stops running and you step out of it to do what everyone does when experiencing car troubles; you open the hood of the car, take one long look at the motor inside and say; “Yep, I still have no idea how to fix this thing!” Whether you need auto repair, car maintenance or a second opinion on that funny noise your car keeps making every time you step on the breaks, finding the right auto repair shop is no easy feat.

Tips to find garages and the best auto repairing services in L'Épiphanie QC

  • Get to know your car repair shop before you need it: The best way to find reliable car repair shops is to shop around for one before you require car repairs. Get to know your local auto repair shops and get a feel for what kind of services you and your car would be getting. Most automotive repair shops that have been in the business for many years have managed to beat out the competition and are usually the most reliable and honest in your area.
  • Referrals: Talk to the car lover in your family or circle of acquaintances. Chances are they know all the ins and outs of the auto repair services available in you area. Cross-reference your list of referrals with the better business bureau.
  • Know what you’re paying for: You may be more inclined to use the services of the cheapest auto body repair centre, but you may be dealing with an auto body shop that offers low hourly rates which may turn out to be more expensive in the long run. Make your decision based on the type of auto body service or maintenance you need so you can choose a flat rate auto body shop or an hourly rate body shop. Avoid financial surprises by asking for auto repair estimates before you get any work done on your car. 
  • Ask the right questions: Once you’ve settled on a list of potential auto body repair centres in L'Épiphanie QC, ask the right questions to narrow down your search. Does the auto body shop have up to date equipment? Do they have any customer referrals? Are the technicians certified? Do they specialise in auto collision repair or do they only do oil changes? 
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